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AI Tools catalog


237 tools found

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Quickchat AI

Quickchat AI is a platform that offers a customized AI assistant for businesses, with features such as ease of building the Knowledge Base, user-friendly interface, multilingual abilities, and responsive customer support, as well as the ability to structure knowledge bases for AI and explain GPT tokens


Thumbnail.AI is a free online tool that simplifies the process of creating visually appealing and engaging thumbnails for YouTube videos, allowing users to choose from a variety of background templates, customize text options, and add images to make their thumbnails stand out from the crowd

3D model
CharmedAI is a website that provides AI-powered sales forecasting and pipeline management for businesses.

Productivity offers AI tools for generating articles and images for blogs and businesses in just one click, simplifying content creation and providing beginner-friendly guides.

Purple Wave

Purple Wave is an AI-powered digital marketing platform that enables businesses to create marketing assets from a complete funnel to a sale page and email campaigns, offering features such as an AI-powered page generator, email automation, Stripe integration, and apps for Apple Store and Google Play

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Dify AI

Dify.AI is an open-source development platform that enables swift integration of AI agents into workflows, boosting efficiency and digital transformation, with expert technical support, and it combines the concepts of Backend-as-a-Service and LLMOps.

Marketing is an AI-powered tool that generates articles optimized for SEO with the ability to include your own NLP keywords, and offers multiple modes for article generation.

Yenta Bot

Yenta Bot is an AI knowledge base tool integrated with Slack, powered by GPT3 and RAG, designed to answer questions and provide information within the Slack platform

No Code
Prisms AI is a no-code platform for building AI-powered apps, utilizing large language models such as GPT-3, DALL-E, and Stable Diffusion, and allowing users to connect data sources and user inputs to create and deploy AI-powered applications
