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AI Tools catalog


224 tools found

No Code
Dify AI

Dify.AI is an open-source development platform that enables swift integration of AI agents into workflows, boosting efficiency and digital transformation, with expert technical support, and it combines the concepts of Backend-as-a-Service and LLMOps.

FutureFinder.Ai is an innovative AI-powered education consultant and career development platform that provides personalized guidance and data-driven insights for individuals.

Websites & Design

Pictorial is a website that offers a Generative AI tool to create graphics for web applications.

Developer Tools
Codesnippets is an AI-powered code snippets library that allows developers to generate detailed documentation, find and fix errors, and increase efficiency with AI-generated code and suggestions, offering features such as auto-save, secure storage, and collaboration tools

Legal Assistants
Detangle AI helps users understand legal documents by simplifying and explaining complex language, making it easier to grasp the main points and save time and money on legal matters

Robin AI

Robin AI is a revolutionary platform that uses advanced artificial intelligence to automate the top of the sales funnel for businesses, allowing them to reach out to leads, conduct research, and handle initial outreach without the need for a human sales associate

Life Assistants
Dream Interpreter

Dream Interpreter AI is a tool that helps users understand the meanings behind their dreams, providing detailed explanations and insights into the subconscious mind's hidden messages.

Content Creation is a smart notebook for worldbuilders, used by authors and dungeon masters to create and organize rich, immersive worlds, characters, and locations, with features such as continuity checks, searchable content, and an AI for analyzing writing

Yenta Bot

Yenta Bot is an AI knowledge base tool integrated with Slack, powered by GPT3 and RAG, designed to answer questions and provide information within the Slack platform
