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AI Tools catalog


249 tools found

MakeLogo.AI is an AI-powered logo design platform that generates unique logos tailored to your project based on your input and offers a range of creative options to choose from.

Holara. AI

Holara is an AI art generator that allows users to create images by providing text prompts and settings, and it offers the option to redeem gift codes for full access and Hologems

Content Creation
Essay Writer AI is an AI-powered platform that helps users generate essays by providing guidance and suggestions for structure, content, and citations.


CrystalSound is an AI-powered tool that eliminates unwanted noise and enhances audio quality on calls, online meetings, and recordings, making it a valuable resource for writers and professionals seeking to improve their voice and productivity

Ai Detection
FaceCheck ID

FaceCheck.ID is a powerful facial recognition AI technology that allows users to verify the authenticity of individuals by uploading a photo and discovering their social media profiles, appearances in blogs, videos, and news websites

Pipl AI is an AI-based tool that provides data collection, mailing list service, email automation, data cleansing, and a science-based AI platform to optimize communication and improve the effectiveness and ROI of email campaigns for companies.

Real Estate

Maket is an end-to-end generative design platform that offers architecture design software, featuring a virtual assistant for design guidance, regulatory assistance for zoning codes, and a plan generator using AI to create customized floorplans, with pricing options including a free plan and a premium plan with unlimited projects and design credits


Staypia is a hotel reservation platform that offers competitive prices, tax-inclusive rates, and customer support for inquiries and travel advisory information, with a focus on providing the latest travel news and safety recommendations


Typed is a powerful tool that enhances team collaboration and productivity by streamlining the management of documents and tasks.
