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AI Tools catalog


346 tools found

Purple Wave

Purple Wave is an AI-powered digital marketing platform that enables businesses to create marketing assets from a complete funnel to a sale page and email campaigns, offering features such as an AI-powered page generator, email automation, Stripe integration, and apps for Apple Store and Google Play

Artificial Intelligence
Cognify Studio

Cognify AI Studio is a mobile app and web tool that uses AI to transform photos into professional designs, offering unique backgrounds, lighting, and compositions, and is cost-effective compared to hiring professional designers and photographers


Wysa is an AI-powered mental health support app that provides anonymous, evidence-based emotional support and cognitive behavioral therapy tools for managing stress, anxiety, and depression in the workplace and everyday life

Chatbots is an AI support chatbot that can be integrated into websites or documentation to provide customized answers to user queries.

Content Creation
BingBangAI is a search engine powered by OpenAI's GPT-4 model that allows users to chat with Bing and get summarized data on the internet to answer their questions.

Life Assistants
Dream Interpreter

Dream Interpreter AI is a tool that helps users understand the meanings behind their dreams, providing detailed explanations and insights into the subconscious mind's hidden messages.


KREA is a free artificial intelligence creative tool that offers real-time design, mobile support, community AI models, motion brush, and real-time AI training to learn about users' aesthetic preferences.


Ai Business Tool is a website offering customer support, marketing, and sales services starting at $9 per month, with a focus on collecting, storing, and using data as described in its privacy policy


ChattySurvey is a platform that offers an AI Assistant to gather customer feedback and provides subscription plans for different business needs, including basic and advanced analytics.
