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AI Tools catalog


219 tools found

ChatGPT Writer

ChatGPT Writer is a free AI tool that helps users write emails, messages, and more by fixing grammar mistakes, rephrasing text, changing writing tone, summarizing text, and generating responses based on user commands, and it works on all sites.

Legal Assistants
Detangle AI helps users understand legal documents by simplifying and explaining complex language, making it easier to grasp the main points and save time and money on legal matters


Reflectr AI is an award-winning journaling assistant tool that uses AI to provide feedback and insights for daily journal entries, offering a unique way to capture and reflect on personal thoughts and experiences.

Artificial Intelligence
Pitchyouridea AI is an AI-powered platform that helps entrepreneurs improve their pitching skills and create professional pitch decks in minutes, using a unique blend of human and artificial intelligence to transform spoken words into visually captivating ideas.

Academics is a platform that offers AI lesson plans, aiming to engage educators, policymakers, and researchers in discussions and advance their understanding of AI in education

Yenta Bot

Yenta Bot is an AI knowledge base tool integrated with Slack, powered by GPT3 and RAG, designed to answer questions and provide information within the Slack platform

MakeLogo.AI is an AI-powered logo design platform that generates unique logos tailored to your project based on your input and offers a range of creative options to choose from.

Social Networks

Postwise is an AI-powered Twitter management tool that allows users to write, schedule, and grow their Twitter following with ease, using a suite of tools optimized for sales and engagement.

Search Engine

iAsk.Ai is a free AI search engine that provides instant, accurate, and factual answers to user questions, utilizing natural language processing and a large-scale Transformer language-based model, while being trained on reliable and authoritative sources to answer questions objectively and without bias
