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AI Tools catalog


232 tools found

Chatbots is an AI support chatbot that can be integrated into websites or documentation to provide customized answers to user queries.


MusicStar.AI is an AI-powered music generator that allows users to create original songs in various genres, including pop, hip hop, rap, rock, and country, using artificial intelligence technology.

Life Assistants

Justlearn is a platform where you can find tutors for various languages, including Herero, Old Persian, Grebo, Literary Chinese, Geez, Eastern Frisian, Embu, and Pennsylvania German.

Social Networks

Postwise is an AI-powered Twitter management tool that allows users to write, schedule, and grow their Twitter following with ease, using a suite of tools optimized for sales and engagement.

Purple Wave

Purple Wave is an AI-powered digital marketing platform that enables businesses to create marketing assets from a complete funnel to a sale page and email campaigns, offering features such as an AI-powered page generator, email automation, Stripe integration, and apps for Apple Store and Google Play

Leny AI is an AI-powered medical assistant that provides instant support to healthcare providers by generating differential diagnoses, discharge instructions, and referral letters, among other tasks.


Write with LAIKA is a personalized artificial intelligence for writers, offering a machine learning-based writing app that co-writes with users, allowing them to train an AI model on their own text and work with their writing in a new way, and it's currently in open beta for free

Assistant Code

What The Diff is an AI-powered app that automatically writes pull request descriptions, sends out summarized notifications to keep non-technical stakeholders in the loop, and helps you to refactor minor issues during the review.

Legal Assistants
Legalyze is an AI application that assists lawyers by summarizing and generating documents using case files as context, and it can query case files and generate legal documents
