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AI Tools catalog


233 tools found

Promptpal is a platform that provides a variety of prompts, GPTs, and bots for AI, including GPT-4 and DALL-E.

Purple Wave

Purple Wave is an AI-powered digital marketing platform that enables businesses to create marketing assets from a complete funnel to a sale page and email campaigns, offering features such as an AI-powered page generator, email automation, Stripe integration, and apps for Apple Store and Google Play

WowTo helps create engaging video knowledge bases using AI, allowing users to access support and tutorials easily and efficiently.

Developer Tools
RTutor is a platform that analyzes traditional statistics data, where rows are observations and columns are variables, and requires properly named columns for accurate analysis.

Shmooz AI

Shmooz AI is an AI assistant that learns and adapts to the user's preferences, providing a personalized experience and integrating with WhatsApp.

Rapidreply AI

Rapid Reply is an AI email assistant designed for business owners and executives who receive 20 or more emails a day, integrating with Gmail to save time and improve productivity by automating and streamlining email responses

Artificial Intelligence
Pitchyouridea AI is an AI-powered platform that helps entrepreneurs improve their pitching skills and create professional pitch decks in minutes, using a unique blend of human and artificial intelligence to transform spoken words into visually captivating ideas.

Task Management
Smarty AI is a platform that integrates tasks, calendars, and notes, automating workflows and providing productivity insights to help users focus on meaningful work and manage their time effectively.


WriteGPT is a platform that simplifies SEO tasks, helps overcome writer's block, and allows copywriters to adapt AI to their unique voice and style, offering enhanced security and the ability to create and bulk your own variables
