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AI Tools catalog


229 tools found

BacklinksAI is a service that uses smart filters and AI to automate your HARO outreach, helping you get more organic traffic and sales with less effort.

Abney is a platform that helps businesses create profitable podcasts by automating written assets and providing insights into audience preferences.

Life Assistants
AiPassportPhotos is a platform that allows users to create and edit passport photos online, offering various formats and sizes to suit different needs and requirements

Artificial Intelligence
Pitchyouridea AI is an AI-powered platform that helps entrepreneurs improve their pitching skills and create professional pitch decks in minutes, using a unique blend of human and artificial intelligence to transform spoken words into visually captivating ideas.


Try It On AI offers professional AI headshots and portraits for various industries, allowing users to submit 10-30 selfies, select portrait styles, and use AI editing tools for quick fixes, with pricing ranging from $17 to $45

Purple Wave

Purple Wave is an AI-powered digital marketing platform that enables businesses to create marketing assets from a complete funnel to a sale page and email campaigns, offering features such as an AI-powered page generator, email automation, Stripe integration, and apps for Apple Store and Google Play

Writey AI

Writey A.I is an artificial intelligence tool that generates original and researched blog posts in minutes, including titles, outlines, and text, and provides optimization tips to rank higher on Google.


TTS Labs offers a Text to Speech service for streamers, providing a dedicated desktop app, customizable features, faster-than-real-time processing, and integration with streaming platforms.

No Code
Dify AI

Dify.AI is an open-source development platform that enables swift integration of AI agents into workflows, boosting efficiency and digital transformation, with expert technical support, and it combines the concepts of Backend-as-a-Service and LLMOps.
