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AI Tools catalog


239 tools found


School Hack is a website that appears to require JavaScript to run, but no further information is available from the search results.

Yenta Bot

Yenta Bot is an AI knowledge base tool integrated with Slack, powered by GPT3 and RAG, designed to answer questions and provide information within the Slack platform


ChatIQ is a platform that allows users to build AI chatbots in minutes from a single URL, supporting over 95 languages, with a 14-day free trial and the ability to replicate customer support skills in a simple chatbot, using GPT-4 by default. It also offers a Content Video Editor job position.

ChatGPT Extensions
Bearly AI is a platform that provides access to the world's best AI, allowing users to interact with documents and access insights

Content Creation
Essay Writer AI is an AI-powered platform that helps users generate essays by providing guidance and suggestions for structure, content, and citations.

No Code

Argil AI is a platform that integrates AI assistants into teams, making them more efficient by providing memory, integrations, and shareability.

Legal Assistants
Legalyze is an AI application that assists lawyers by summarizing and generating documents using case files as context, and it can query case files and generate legal documents

Ask-rbg is an AI experiment that allows users to ask Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg any yes or no question and receive an AI-generated response.

ChatGPT Extensions
Gold Retriever AI

Gold Retriever is an open-source tool powered by Jina and DocArray that enables ChatGPT to interact with personalized and up-to-date data, making AI interactions more meaningful, accurate, and personal.
