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AI Tools catalog


219 tools found

Mindwell AI

MindwellAI is an innovative mental health app that utilizes science-backed tools and AI-driven support to provide personalized guidance in managing anxiety and other mental health issues.


HomeDesigns AI is a web-based application that utilizes the power of Artificial Intelligence to generate new design ideas every few seconds, offering a wide range of design styles, modes, room types, and more to help you achieve the desired outcome for personal or professional use.

Ansy AI is a GPT-3-based AI that learns from your chat history and can answer questions based on relevant messages from public channels. It is designed to be secure, with encrypted data at rest and in transit. Ansy offers a free trial and a 30-day no-questions-asked refund policy. Currently, it only understands English, with plans to add more languages in the future.


ChatIQ is a platform that allows users to build AI chatbots in minutes from a single URL, supporting over 95 languages, with a 14-day free trial and the ability to replicate customer support skills in a simple chatbot, using GPT-4 by default. It also offers a Content Video Editor job position.

Pipl AI is an AI-based tool that provides data collection, mailing list service, email automation, data cleansing, and a science-based AI platform to optimize communication and improve the effectiveness and ROI of email campaigns for companies.


StealthGPT is an advanced AI tool designed for undetectable content generation that beats Turnitin AI-Detection and offers a unique 'humanizer' feature that enables it to produce content indistinguishable from human writing.

Social Networks

Postwise is an AI-powered Twitter management tool that allows users to write, schedule, and grow their Twitter following with ease, using a suite of tools optimized for sales and engagement.

Assistant Code

What The Diff is an AI-powered app that automatically writes pull request descriptions, sends out summarized notifications to keep non-technical stakeholders in the loop, and helps you to refactor minor issues during the review.


Sheet+ is an AI-powered tool for Excel and Google Sheets that can generate, explain, and correct formulas, saving time and effort for both beginners and experienced users
