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AI Tools catalog


239 tools found


Cre8tiveAI is a service that utilizes state-of-the-art AI technology, specifically Deep Learning, to provide unique features for photo, illustration, and video editing, with a focus on user-friendly design and accessibility

Assistant Code

What The Diff is an AI-powered app that automatically writes pull request descriptions, sends out summarized notifications to keep non-technical stakeholders in the loop, and helps you to refactor minor issues during the review.

Storytelling Generator
BedtimeStory AI is an AI-powered story creator that crafts personalized, instant bedtime stories for children, featuring family members as characters and customizable genres, art styles, and morals

Social Networks
Social Studio AI

Social Studio is an Instagram post generator that uses artificial intelligence to create content quickly, covering everything from creative to hashtags and publishing style

Claude AI

Claude is a next-generation AI assistant with capabilities such as understanding language, drafting, summarizing, translating, and explaining complex concepts in simple terms

Gling AI

Gling AI is an AI-powered video editing tool that automatically detects and cuts silences, bad takes, and disfluencies from raw recordings, offering a free edit for the first video and a subscription-based service for subsequent edits in multiple languages

AISEO is an AI writing assistant and content generator that helps maintain brand voice, generate SEO-optimized content, and create unique images using artificial intelligence. It offers features such as text generation, text summarization, and custom branding


ChatIQ is a platform that allows users to build AI chatbots in minutes from a single URL, supporting over 95 languages, with a 14-day free trial and the ability to replicate customer support skills in a simple chatbot, using GPT-4 by default. It also offers a Content Video Editor job position.


BizWith.AI is a platform that provides access to a versatile array of 30 AI agents, each specialized in unique domains like SEO management, legal advisory, accounting, sales, and software development, and offers AI-powered content generation tools.
