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AI Tools catalog


68 tools found


Signum.AI is a platform that leverages artificial intelligence to automate B2B customer insights research, providing valuable insights and personalized outreach strategies for businesses


Kalendar AI is an AI-powered customer lead generation and meeting management tool that uses personalized email outreach to source and engage ideal customer profiles, aiming to book new meetings and save time for sales and marketing professionals.

Content Creation
Magical AI

Magical AI is a free AI writing assistant that automates tasks such as typing repetitive messages and updating databases, and it can be used on various apps like Gmail, Zendesk, Salesforce, and LinkedIn, powered by the GPT3.5 model and integrated with OpenAI for prompt submission

ChatGPT LinkedIn Email Generator

Truebase's AI-generated data helps ChatGPT create hyper-personalized LinkedIn emails, increasing response rates and saving time


Delve AI is a platform that helps marketers and business owners create data-driven personas and expand their businesses with no code needed, typically resulting in minutes

Social Networks

SocialBu is an all-in-one social media management tool designed specifically for small businesses, offering features such as scheduling and publishing content across all social networks, responding to messages, and creating engaging content

Developer Tools
Twelve Labs

Twelve Labs is a powerful AI solution that enables users to search and understand video content more effectively, replacing ineffective keyword tagging systems

Visual Electric

Visual Electric is an AI image generator designed for creatives, offering an infinite canvas and an intuitive interface for bringing ideas to life


Trullion is an AI-powered accounting software solution that streamlines revenue recognition, lease accounting, and audit workflows, reducing risk and improving accuracy in financial management
