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AI Tools catalog


122 tools found

Machine Learning

StackML is a machine learning platform that offers a simple GUI tool for non-AI users to access a wide range of machine learning models and features, such as face detection, image classification, and pose estimation, all within the browser


Kommunicate is a platform that provides AI-powered chatbots for customer service automation, improving efficiency and satisfaction.

AutoWrite App

Autowrite App is an AI tool that generates SEO-optimized, unique, plagiarism-free content for blogs, ads, emails, and websites, and it eliminates the hassle of registration, login, and sweat.

Artificial Intelligence

Sttabot is a cloud-based AI development and infrastructure platform that allows users to build NLP-backed AI apps using no-code and low-code technology, train and annotate datasets, build custom LLM models, and create AI chatbots to automate support and sales.

Job Search

LazyApply is an AI-powered job application automation tool that automates the job application process by automatically applying to all the jobs on platforms like LinkedIn, Indeed, and ZipRecruiter using Job GPT, and also offers a cover letter generator tool.

Paymefy is a platform that optimizes debt collection using artificial intelligence, offering customizable short links for easy credit card payments and a secure payment gateway

Assistant Code
CodeMate AI

CodeMate is a platform that offers a Visual Studio Code extension to assist with coding, providing features, pricing information, and a contact option.

For Fun

YaatriAI by AasPass InfoTech is an AI-powered travel planning platform that helps users plan their trips from various locations and age groups, offering intelligent chatbots and automation tools to enhance customer engagement and support

Files & Spreadsheets

SheetGod is an AI-powered tool that automates tasks in Excel and Google Sheets, allowing users to generate marketing emails, bulk PDFs, and automate data management through Appscript and VBA code
