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AI Tools catalog


1137 tools found


In3D is a next-generation avatar platform that allows users to create photorealistic avatars for various applications, including games, virtual events, and social media

Vowel AI

Vowel is a video conferencing and meeting software powered by AI that offers features such as real-time AI-powered summary, action items, transcript, recording, live transcription, search, and instant recall.

Customer Support
Simple Phones

Simple Phones offers AI agent integration for businesses, providing prompt support, a 14-day free trial, and options to chat with a human or schedule a call for assistance.

Callconnect AI is an AI-powered sales solution that automates sales calls, conducts A/B tests, generates call logs, and engages in natural dialogues to improve sales results and productivity.

Booth AI

Booth AI is a platform that uses artificial intelligence to generate high-quality product images from user-uploaded photos and text descriptions, catering to e-commerce and marketing sectors

Customer Support
Sapling AI is an AI-powered language model copilot and API for businesses that provides integrations with popular messaging and CRM platforms, a free AI-powered spelling and grammar checker, and offers on-premises/self-hosted deployments for enterprise teams.

Lets Enhance

Let's Enhance is an online platform that uses AI to increase image resolution, improve quality, and add clarity, offering services such as photo enlargement, sharpening, and AI image generation

Content Creation
Tome AI

Tome is an AI presentation platform that helps users create polished and professional presentations, one-pagers, and more, by automatically generating narratives and matching images from provided text prompts, and offering features such as 3D models, animations, and interactive embeds.

Headroom 2.0

Headroom was a company focused on AI-powered collaboration, but as of November 29, 2023, it has been acquired and its product is no longer available
