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AI Tools catalog


177 tools found

Human Resources
Proposal Genie

Proposal Genie is an AI-driven platform that optimizes proposals for freelancers to increase their chances of winning jobs on platforms like Upwork and, saving time and offering easy customization.

Legal Assistants
LawMate AI

LawMate is an AI legal assistant that offers cost-effective and anonymous legal advice, simplifies legal jargon, and complies with international data protection standards.


K8sGPT is a tool that scans and diagnoses Kubernetes clusters, providing simple English explanations and AI-enhanced analysis

Phygital+ is a platform that combines physical and digital experiences, aiming to connect the physical aspect of shopping with the digital, and it offers an AI Library with a catalog of 1800+ neural networks and AI tools

Eilla AI

Eilla AI is a platform that automates mundane tasks and supports complex decision-making in the M&A, VC, and PE deal workflow, mirroring high-quality industry professionals

No Code

Backengine is a platform that allows users to build their backend in minutes using natural language, without the need for code or infrastructure. It offers direct access to a managed database and total control over API code, making it suitable for various projects and easy to use

Shufti Pro

Shufti Pro is an AML compliance solution that helps businesses screen against PEPs, sanctions, watchlists, and monitor adverse media to prevent money laundering and meet compliance requirements

Legal Assistants

Juro is an AI-enabled contract automation platform that empowers businesses to create, agree, and manage contracts faster and more efficiently, offering features such as automated contract drafting, real-time collaboration, and structured approval workflows

Zazzani AI

Zazzani AI is a revolutionary AI product that accelerates workflow and productivity, enabling users to create articles, art, code, and find answers to their questions with ease
