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AI Tools catalog


168 tools found


LanguageTool is a writing assistant that detects overused phrases, foreign terms, redundant words, and improper word choice, and can also paraphrase sentences using artificial intelligence.

Human Resources
Spoke AI is an AI-powered inbox that summarizes conversations and notifications from various sources, including Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Gmail, to help users prioritize and take action on the most important topics.


PyTorch is a machine learning library that provides tools and libraries for the development of computer vision, NLP, and more, with features such as distributed training, a robust ecosystem, and cloud support, and it is well supported on major cloud platforms


PhotoRoom is an affordable and efficient online tool that allows users to remove backgrounds and create professional product pictures in seconds.

No Code

Textomap is a platform that allows users to create, customize, and embed interactive maps from text sources in seconds, saving time and effort in various applications such as travel itineraries, blog posts, and news articles


reciTAL is an intelligent document processing platform that offers a high-performance, reliable, and easy-to-implement solution for capturing, typing, and searching various types of documents and emails, utilizing the latest AI technologies and ensuring security and confidentiality

Developer Tools
Databorg AI

DataBorg is an all-in-one knowledge management suite that empowers companies to leverage their data with intelligent solutions, providing high-quality tools to overcome challenges with poor data quality and unlock their full potential for success through AI tools and data-driven insights

Trade Foresight

Trade Foresight is a global trade platform that provides businesses with insights, information, and tools necessary to succeed in international trade, including personalized dashboards, global trade analytics, and a trader's lounge.


Playstrict is a mobile gaming growth platform that provides comprehensive marketing, discovery, and promotion services to help indie game developers succeed in the mobile gaming market
