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AI Tools catalog


65 tools found

SEOmatic AI

SEOmatic is a platform that offers programmatic SEO and AI tools to automate and scale marketing, including features such as creating SEO-friendly pages, importing datasets, generating content, and publishing pages on CMS or hosting them with SEOmatic

Job posting generator by AI

Seeqle offers an AI-powered job offer template generator that creates personalized and attractive job offers, highlighting company culture, job missions, and required profiles to attract the best candidates

Qlip AI is a platform that allows users to extract short clips from long videos using AI technology, enabling fast and efficient video content repurposing.


GitBook Solutions is an internal knowledge base that brings together a team's technical knowledge with Git-like collaboration and deep integrations to help everyone contribute, with knowledge management tools for the whole team to capture missing knowledge, keep all information organized, and keep documentation up to date, including AI-powered content audit to spot conflicting information.

Wondercraft AI

Wondercraft AI is a podcast creation platform that uses generative AI voices to easily produce and distribute podcasts in multiple languages, catering to businesses, publishers, and educational content creators. It offers hyper-realistic AI voices and the ability to publish directly to various platforms without extra hosting costs

Presto AI

Presto is an A.I.-driven automation solution for drive-thru restaurants, with over 277,000 products deployed, offering labor cost savings and revenue increase, and it is also an open source, distributed SQL query engine designed for fast analytic queries against data of any size, used by large organizations such as Facebook, Airbnb, and Netflix

Chaindesk AI is a platform that allows businesses to create personalized chatbots using advanced AI technologies, providing efficient customer support and streamlining operations


Abyssale is a platform that claims to increase creative asset production speed by 10x, allowing for autonomous and seamless resizing of designs across multiple templates.


Cordial est un outil de correction d'orthographe et de grammaire en français, gratuit et facile à utiliser
