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AI Tools catalog


111 tools found


PyTorch is a machine learning library that provides tools and libraries for the development of computer vision, NLP, and more, with features such as distributed training, a robust ecosystem, and cloud support, and it is well supported on major cloud platforms

Ai Detection
Originality AI

Originality.AI is an innovative organization that offers a comprehensive suite of content quality assurance tools, including a plagiarism and AI content detection tool capable of identifying text generated by various AI language models such as GPT-2, GPT-3, GPT-4, GPT-J, GPT-Neo, and ChatGPT, with plans to add readability scores in the near future

GetResponse Email Generator

GetResponse's AI Email Generator uses innovative GPT-3.5 technology to create engaging emails in record time, tailored to industry trends and specific keywords, leading to a significant decrease in email creation time for users.

Assistant Code
Tabninie AI

Tabnine is an AI assistant that provides code completion functionality and boosts development productivity, while also offering privacy and security features such as local adaptation and fully isolated mode.


Beepbooply is an AI-powered text-to-speech platform that generates natural and realistic speech patterns using cutting-edge AI voices from Google, Amazon, and other providers

Chatbot AI

ChatBot is an AI chat bot software that scans websites, help centers, or other designated resources to provide quick and accurate answers to customer questions, offering a free 14-day trial and no credit card required


PolitePost is a platform that uses AI to rewrite and refine emails, making them more professional and suitable for the workplace.


Playstrict is a mobile gaming growth platform that provides comprehensive marketing, discovery, and promotion services to help indie game developers succeed in the mobile gaming market

Lyro by Tidio

Tidio's Lyro is an AI-powered conversational chatbot that analyzes customer questions and delivers human-like answers in seconds, reducing customers' waiting time and increasing their satisfaction.
