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AI Tools catalog


91 tools found

Life Assistants

ExperAI is a website that offers AI tools and allows users to chat with AI experts on any topic.

Content Creation
Maker AI

Maker AI is a platform that uses cutting-edge artificial intelligence to generate written and visual content in seconds, including blog posts, landing pages, product descriptions, Google and Facebook ads, and images.


Beepbooply is an AI-powered text-to-speech platform that generates natural and realistic speech patterns using cutting-edge AI voices from Google, Amazon, and other providers

Life Assistants
AI Cards

Designstripe's AI Holiday Cards is a tool that enables users to create custom holiday cards featuring designs inspired by Artificial Intelligence (AI), allowing for unique and interactive card customization.

Legal Assistants
Legalese Decoder

Legalese Decoder is a web application that uses AI, natural language processing, and machine learning to analyze legal documents and provide a plain language version, empowering individuals to understand and navigate complex legal jargon.

Deep Genomics

Deep Genomics is a company that uses advanced artificial intelligence to develop treatments for genetic diseases.


TinyEinstein is an AI-powered email marketing tool for Shopify that automatically creates and sends on-brand emails, enables complex triggered-automations, and creates email capture forms on your store.


Arbor is a carbon management platform for companies that offers sustainable procurement and supplier analysis, avoided emissions scenarios, and authentic and greenwashing-free marketing.

Search Engine
Omnisearch AI

Omnisearch is an AI-powered search engine that seamlessly integrates with websites, allowing users to easily search and find specific content, including video transcripts, and was founded with the vision to revolutionize content search
