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AI Tools catalog


178 tools found

No Code

Fliplet is a no-code development platform that offers solutions for businesses to create mobile and web apps, including client solutions, marketing solutions, eCommerce solutions, emergency management, service delivery solutions, innovation management, work allocation, project management, IT solutions, training solutions, and asset management.

Poly ai

PolyAI offers conversational AI solutions for various industries, including banking, healthcare, travel, and hospitality, with voice assistants that can be customized and deployed in multiple languages, providing real-time insights and resolving calls in heavy use cases


FinanceGPT is a platform that harnesses generative AI and financial data to provide customizable financial forecasting, real-time data aggregation, and advanced analytics for investors, financial managers, and accountants.

UniGlobal Careers CV and Cover Letter Generator

UniGlobal Careers offers an AI-driven CV and cover letter generator that tailors documents to your unique profile and job preferences, saving time and effort in your job search

Human Resources

Qatalog is an AI search and knowledge intelligence platform for enterprise, offering rapid setup, easy roll-out, and security-aware integrations, with users saving an average of 2 hours per week and a rapid return on investment.


Pitchlane is a software designed to enhance video outreach methods by creating personalized videos for sales outreach and providing analytics to understand prospect engagement.

Yepic AI is an AI video toolkit that allows users to create, dub, and personalize videos, and is actively hiring people with experience in international research and technical leadership.

Developer Tools
Bloop AI is a fast code search engine that helps developers understand and navigate their codebases more efficiently by providing natural language search capabilities and semantic code analysis

Flawless AI

Flawless AI is a filmmaking tool that uses DeepEditor to create new dialogue and avoid the costs of physically filmed reshoots, and is designed to integrate seamlessly into film production, localization, and distribution workflows.
