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AI Tools catalog


219 tools found

Artificial Intelligence
Open AI

OpenAI is an artificial intelligence research lab that develops and promotes friendly AI for the benefit of humanity, but some users have reported frustration with its usability and performance

Quinvio AI

Quinvio AI is a platform that helps users create and present content with AI-generated narration, offering a faster and more efficient way to communicate ideas and information.

Files & Spreadsheets
Numerous AI is an AI-powered platform that offers various tools for content marketers, researchers, students, and data analysts, including AI-assisted writing, keyword generation, translation, data processing, and summarization.

Kvants AI is a decentralized asset management platform that offers AI-driven quantitative trading strategies developed by leading hedge funds to retail investors via a fully-compliant and easy-to-use NFT tokenized fund subscription model.

Posed AI

Posed AI is a platform that uses state-of-the-art technology to generate 4K renders of AI-generated images, perfect for profile pictures and social media posts, by training on photos capturing facial and body features, with higher variety leading to better results

Human Resources is a platform that uses AI to create cover letters, providing AI-powered cover letter creation services.

Rapidreply AI

Rapid Reply is an AI email assistant designed for business owners and executives who receive 20 or more emails a day, integrating with Gmail to save time and improve productivity by automating and streamlining email responses

Job Search
JobWizard AI

JobWizard is a website that offers AI-powered job matching and career development services.

BacklinksAI is a service that uses smart filters and AI to automate your HARO outreach, helping you get more organic traffic and sales with less effort.
