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Dewstack is an online documentation platform that allows users to host their content on their own domain or a free Dewstack sub-domain, with options for public, private, or password-protected access, and offers various pricing plans with different features and customization options

Coda AI

Coda is an all-in-one collaborative workspace that offers a comprehensive database of AI capabilities for various tasks

FileDigest AI is an instant content summarizer and interactive Q&A platform that turns documents into summaries, insights, and visuals, enabling users to extract key information from their files

Clarify PDF

ClarifyPDF is an AI-powered platform that allows users to upload PDFs, ask questions, and generate summaries for documents up to 30MB in size

Formzil is a website offering AiDocumentMaker, a tool for creating documents instantly for free.


Jargonnay is a tool that provides easy and personalized explanations for jargons encountered at work by highlighting the unknown term and asking the AI to see an explanation popup right there without having to go to any other app, and it works on any app on your Mac.
