DeepCore is a digital petroleum company that develops IT tools based on artificial intelligence to optimize the exploration and development of natural resources
⚙️ Functionality of Intelligent system for full-bore core analysis: DeepCore offers an intelligent system for full-bore core analysis, providing advanced functionality
✅ Automated Sedimentological Description: DeepCore can be used for the automatic interpretation of core data, enabling the efficient analysis of rock samples in core box images
Chat EQ is a technology platform that provides research-supported assistance to help people work through conflict in real-time, day or night, when a professional may be difficult to reach.
ResearchRabbit is a free research tool that offers personalized recommendations, powerful visualizations, and collaboration features to help researchers supercharge their workflows.
Explainpaper is a tool that helps users read research papers by simplifying and explaining complex concepts, making it easier for researchers to understand and digest the content