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AI Tools catalog


16 tools found

Life Assistants

Upstract is a platform that provides general information on various topics, including technology, finance, and law.

Life Assistants

Ferret is a relationship intelligence platform that uses AI and global data to provide curated insights, helping users avoid high-risk individuals and identify promising opportunities in their personal and professional networks.

Life Assistants
Rewind AI

Rewind is a privacy-first, AI-powered app that helps users stay organized and focused, offering personalized experiences for note-taking and productivity.

Life Assistants

Embra is an AI assistant designed for teams and professionals, offering features such as workflow automation, command creation, and high-quality writing

Life Assistants

Caktus AI is an AI-powered study assistant designed for students, offering features such as essay writing, math problem solving, and code generation, with a monthly subscription of $9.90 and an annual subscription of $99.90

Life Assistants

BlackInk AI is a platform that allows users to create unique flash tattoos in seconds.

Life Assistants
TechDrive Support Inc

TechDrive Support Inc is a tech service provider in the USA, offering printer support services and other tech assistance.

Life Assistants

Replika is an AI companion designed to provide positive feedback and emotional support, offering a unique and personalized experience for each user

Life Assistants

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