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AI Tools catalog


23 tools found

Human Resources

TalentGuard is a workforce intelligence platform that helps companies manage and optimize their talent through skills-based learning, talent automation, and succession planning, aiming to elevate organizational success and employee engagement

Human Resources

HR Signal is a company that specializes in AI-driven employee predictions and bespoke HR insights, leveraging real-world experience to create powerful HR technology products

Human Resources

GuidedTrack is a versatile platform that allows users to create custom apps, surveys, and experiments without the need for extensive coding knowledge, making it ideal for social scientists and researchers

Human Resources

WorkHub is an AI-powered platform that centralizes knowledge management and enables automations across organizations, allowing users to connect multiple data sources and maintain privacy while accessing information

Human Resources

Loxo is a recruiting CRM ATS Talent Intelligence Platform, offering a user interface and product design aimed at simplifying the candidate management process

Human Resources
Careerflow provides free AI job search tools to help users keep track of job opportunities, applications, notes, and contacts in one dashboard, and optimize their online profiles to increase search appearances.

Human Resources offers conversational hiring software that automates recruiting tasks, expedites the hiring process, and enhances candidate experience, catering to high-volume hiring managers and candidates.

Human Resources

Leena AI is an employee experience platform for enterprises that offers generative AI-powered employee engagement software, including a "Voice of the Employee" solution that empowers businesses to listen to their employees, take real-time actions, predict attrition, and retain their best talent to build a category-defining organizational culture.

Human Resources

Aisera is an AI platform that offers a one-stop solution across IT, HR, and store support, providing AI copilot, AiseraGPT, and AI customer service tools to automate and improve customer self-service, with features such as advanced chatbots and customer service automation, leading to significant cost savings and increased productivity
