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AI Tools catalog


24 tools found

Human Resources
Teal Resume Builder

The Teal AI Resume Builder is a free online tool that uses AI technology to create, edit, and optimize resumes, allowing users to import their LinkedIn profile or existing resume and tailor each resume to fit a specific job description, ultimately making it quick and easy to create an optimized resume

Human Resources

Aisera is an AI platform that offers a one-stop solution across IT, HR, and store support, providing AI copilot, AiseraGPT, and AI customer service tools to automate and improve customer self-service, with features such as advanced chatbots and customer service automation, leading to significant cost savings and increased productivity

Human Resources

Loxo is a recruiting CRM ATS Talent Intelligence Platform, offering a user interface and product design aimed at simplifying the candidate management process

Human Resources
Eightfold is an AI-powered talent acquisition and recruiting platform that uses skills, potential, and learnability to intelligently match people to projects and transform hiring processes, aiming to hire, retain, and grow a diverse workforce faster than ever before

Human Resources

Textio is a platform that helps in hiring and retaining a diverse team by analyzing and providing insights on the language used in job listings and employer brand content

Human Resources
Magical AI

The website offers a range of resources and information related to various aspects of magic and the supernatural.

Human Resources

Talkpush is a recruitment platform that offers automated recruiting software and integrates with leading ATSes, providing tailor-made solutions for various needs.

Human Resources
GitMind AI

GitMind is an AI-powered platform that offers mind mapping, flowcharting, whiteboarding, and other diagramming tools to help users visualize and connect their ideas in an orderly and creative way.

Human Resources

SeekOut is a talent acquisition and management platform that uses data-driven insights and AI-powered candidate search to help companies recruit and manage diverse talent, trusted by leading brands and offering strategic interview questions and diversity recruiting tips
