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AI Tools catalog


24 tools found

Human Resources

WorkHub is an AI-powered platform that centralizes knowledge management and enables automations across organizations, allowing users to connect multiple data sources and maintain privacy while accessing information

Human Resources

Loxo is a recruiting CRM ATS Talent Intelligence Platform, offering a user interface and product design aimed at simplifying the candidate management process

Human Resources
Cody is an AI-powered chatbot platform that allows users to interact with chatbots by asking questions on the chat screen, receive accurate and relevant answers, and customize the chatbot for different uses

Human Resources is an AI-powered candidate sourcing platform for recruiters, helping companies grow and adapt to their talent needs by automating processes and improving efficiency

Human Resources is a free online resume builder that offers over 200 customizable templates and examples to help users create professional resumes and cover letters.

Human Resources
Leet Resumes

LeetCode is a platform that offers a variety of coding problems and solutions for developers to practice and improve their skills.

Human Resources

MajorGen is an AI-powered resume creator that helps you generate professional resumes and cover letters in just seconds

Human Resources

Moveworks is an AI platform that automates work, enabling global workforces to solve support tickets, search content, discover data, and automate workflows across all business systems in over 100 languages, revolutionizing how work gets done for over 5 million employees at 300+ companies

Human Resources

Taskade is an AI-powered productivity app that helps individuals and teams organize their tasks, notes, and projects in a clear and structured way, with features such as checklists, kanban boards, org charts, and mind maps.
