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AI Tools catalog


23 tools found

Human Resources

Aisera is an AI platform that offers a one-stop solution across IT, HR, and store support, providing AI copilot, AiseraGPT, and AI customer service tools to automate and improve customer self-service, with features such as advanced chatbots and customer service automation, leading to significant cost savings and increased productivity

Human Resources
Teal Resume Builder

The Teal AI Resume Builder is a free online tool that uses AI technology to create, edit, and optimize resumes, allowing users to import their LinkedIn profile or existing resume and tailor each resume to fit a specific job description, ultimately making it quick and easy to create an optimized resume

Human Resources

Moveworks is an AI platform that automates work, enabling global workforces to solve support tickets, search content, discover data, and automate workflows across all business systems in over 100 languages, revolutionizing how work gets done for over 5 million employees at 300+ companies

Human Resources
Magical AI

The website offers a range of resources and information related to various aspects of magic and the supernatural.

Human Resources
Eightfold is an AI-powered talent acquisition and recruiting platform that uses skills, potential, and learnability to intelligently match people to projects and transform hiring processes, aiming to hire, retain, and grow a diverse workforce faster than ever before

Human Resources

SeekOut is a talent acquisition and management platform that uses data-driven insights and AI-powered candidate search to help companies recruit and manage diverse talent, trusted by leading brands and offering strategic interview questions and diversity recruiting tips

Human Resources
Careerflow provides free AI job search tools to help users keep track of job opportunities, applications, notes, and contacts in one dashboard, and optimize their online profiles to increase search appearances.

Human Resources

WorkHub is an AI-powered platform that centralizes knowledge management and enables automations across organizations, allowing users to connect multiple data sources and maintain privacy while accessing information

Human Resources is a free online resume builder that offers over 200 customizable templates and examples to help users create professional resumes and cover letters.
