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AI Tools catalog


31 tools found

Developer Tools

Convai is a platform that enables characters in virtual worlds to have human-like conversations, creating immersive experiences for players

Developer Tools
arGPT for Monocle

Brilliant Labs is a Discord server where brilliant hackers and AR enthusiasts share their projects for Monocle, offering a platform for learning and collaboration

Developer Tools
Deepnote Copilot

Deepnote AI is an autonomous assistant that revolutionizes data workflows by independently handling complex tasks, from start to finish, and is designed to work seamlessly with data science and analytics teams, providing features such as AI code completion and conversational AI for generating, editing, debugging, and understanding code and SQL

Developer Tools

HTTPie is a user-friendly API testing client that simplifies the process of interacting with web services and APIs, making it easier for developers to build tools and improve their workflow

Developer Tools
Assembly AI

AssemblyAI is a company that provides AI models for transcribing and understanding speech, with a vision to create new, superhuman Speech AI models that will unlock entirely new classes of applications and products to be built leveraging voice data.

Developer Tools

Ace is an AI co-pilot for engineering leadership that provides insights into team performance, collaboration, and skill demands, helping managers and developers achieve extraordinary results

Developer Tools

Mintlify is a platform that provides modern, beautiful, and customizable documentation for software teams, making it easier to manage and maintain documentation across the entire team

Developer Tools

JamGPT is an AI debugging assistant developed by Jam, which helps developers fix bugs faster and is available for free, aiming to improve the bug reporting process

Developer Tools
Airplane Autopilot

Airplane Autopilot is an AI coding assistant designed to help developers build internal tools faster by providing specific answers to all Airplane questions, concepts and code explanations, embedded debugging, context-aware code transformations, and dynamic suggestions.
