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AI Tools catalog


30 tools found

Developer Tools
Hugging Face

Hugging Face is an AI community that builds open-source machine learning tools, including state-of-the-art models for PyTorch, TensorFlow, and JAX, as well as diffusion models for image and audio generation.

Developer Tools
Leap ML

TryLeap AI is a platform that allows users to create powerful AI workflows in minutes, enabling them to transcribe, summarize, and extract insights from various sources, as well as automate SEO processes and generate avatars and assets

Developer Tools
Pipeline AI

Pipeline AI is a platform that provides tools for building and deploying machine learning models, including classes for defining computational graphs and managing model variables.

Developer Tools

Autocode is a platform that allows users to create and deploy code, including snippets for tasks like message deletion on multiple channels and building Discord bots

Developer Tools

Clarifai is a leading computer vision AI platform that offers a unified, full lifecycle platform for managing image, text, video, and audio data, and provides expert AI tools and services to help enterprises accelerate their adoption of AI.

Developer Tools

RunPod is a cloud computing platform designed for AI and machine learning applications, offering serverless GPU computing for AI inference and training, with a focus on accelerating AI adoption

Developer Tools

Shaped is an AI-powered API that uses state-of-the-art technologies to make complex data types, including text, images, and video, usable for ranking systems, built for data scientists and ML engineers.

Developer Tools
CSM is a platform that transforms photos and videos into 3D models, offering various subscription plans with different features and credits for 3D model generation.

Developer Tools

Censius is an AI Observability Platform that helps enterprises monitor, analyze, and explain their production models, improving model velocity and quality
