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AI Tools catalog


31 tools found

Developer Tools

IBM's is a platform that enables next-generation lakehouse architecture for data-driven enterprises, helping to lower storage costs, optimize compute, and support data engineering and analytics needs across discrete systems

Developer Tools

JamGPT is an AI debugging assistant developed by Jam, which helps developers fix bugs faster and is available for free, aiming to improve the bug reporting process

Developer Tools
Leap ML

TryLeap AI is a platform that allows users to create powerful AI workflows in minutes, enabling them to transcribe, summarize, and extract insights from various sources, as well as automate SEO processes and generate avatars and assets

Developer Tools

Censius is an AI Observability Platform that helps enterprises monitor, analyze, and explain their production models, improving model velocity and quality

Developer Tools

PromptLayer is a platform designed for prompt engineering, serving as a specialized tool for prompt engineers.

Developer Tools
Gamma AI is a company that offers AI-powered Cloud DLP (Data Loss Prevention) for SaaS, focusing on protecting data in the cloud and addressing various cybersecurity threats.

Developer Tools

Mixpeek is an AI-powered tool that enables contextual search across videos, images, audio, and text with just one line of code, allowing users to accurately find and categorize news clips, interviews, images, or articles based on specific queries.

Developer Tools
Codefy AI is a platform trusted by over 7,000 developers, offering a new way to code with LLMs, smart developer tools, and meaningful code tests to enhance productivity and code integrity

Developer Tools
Bito AI

Bito AI is a platform that uses artificial intelligence to understand and assist developers in writing code, with a focus on security and data privacy
