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AI Tools catalog


30 tools found

Developer Tools

PromptLayer is a platform designed for prompt engineering, serving as a specialized tool for prompt engineers.

Developer Tools

Mixpeek is an AI-powered tool that enables contextual search across videos, images, audio, and text with just one line of code, allowing users to accurately find and categorize news clips, interviews, images, or articles based on specific queries.

Developer Tools
Hugging Face

Hugging Face is an AI community that builds open-source machine learning tools, including state-of-the-art models for PyTorch, TensorFlow, and JAX, as well as diffusion models for image and audio generation.

Developer Tools
Pipeline AI

Pipeline AI is a platform that provides tools for building and deploying machine learning models, including classes for defining computational graphs and managing model variables.

Developer Tools

Mintlify is a platform that provides modern, beautiful, and customizable documentation for software teams, making it easier to manage and maintain documentation across the entire team

Developer Tools

HTTPie is a user-friendly API testing client that simplifies the process of interacting with web services and APIs, making it easier for developers to build tools and improve their workflow

Developer Tools

Autocode is a platform that allows users to create and deploy code, including snippets for tasks like message deletion on multiple channels and building Discord bots

Developer Tools
Fast AI is a deep learning library that aims to make deep learning more accessible and diverse, with a focus on practical applications and real-world problems

Developer Tools
Autoblocks AI

Autoblocks is a GenAI product workspace that offers encrypted data management, security monitoring, and compliance auditing, catering to both indiehackers and large enterprises. It also provides resources on AI topics like commonsense reasoning and simulated annealing
