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Bullshit Detector

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Bullshit Detector is a tool that uses artificial intelligence to detect if the content is factually correct by programmatically reversing the content to a question and then generating few answers to the question with a high softmax temperature.


  • 🕵️ Bullshit Detection: The Bullshit Detector tool is designed to identify factually incorrect information, particularly in content generated by artificial intelligence.
  • 💰 Cost Consideration: The tool has been turned off due to the costs associated with using the OpenAI API, which it is built on.
  • 🤖 Functionality: It programmatically reverses content to a question and generates answers to determine the likelihood of the content being true.
  • 🌐 Future Evolution: The tool may evolve to offer a cheaper alternative for detecting factually incorrect information.


  • 🕵️ Fact Check: The Bullshit Detector is designed to detect factually incorrect information, particularly in content generated by artificial intelligence.
  • 💰 Cost-effective: The detector offers a cost-effective alternative to the OpenAI API by programmatically reversing content to a question and generating multiple answers to determine its truthfulness.
  • 🔌 Turned Off: The Bullshit Detector is currently turned off due to the costs associated with the OpenAI API.
  • ❓ Confidence Check: It assesses the truthfulness of content by generating answers to a question and measuring the model’s confidence in those answers.
  • 🤝 Alternative Method: There is another, cheaper method available for fact checking that does not require sending multiple requests.

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Access to Bullshit Detector may be available through its official website or other platforms where the tool is made accessible to users.
The effectiveness of Bullshit Detector may vary and is likely dependent on the quality of its algorithms and the nature of the content being analyzed. It may serve as a useful tool in conjunction with other methods of information evaluation.

Alternatives for Bullshit Detector


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