AI Text Classifier
The AI Text Classifier is a language model fine-tuned on a dataset of human-written and AI-written text, used to indicate the likelihood of AI-generated content
The AI Text Classifier is a language model fine-tuned on a dataset of human-written and AI-written text, used to indicate the likelihood of AI-generated content
GPTZero is an AI detector that provides granular detail to observe AI usage across institutions and guide policies for promoting innovative and healthy use of AI.
FaceCheck.ID is a powerful facial recognition AI technology that allows users to verify the authenticity of individuals by uploading a photo and discovering their social media profiles, appearances in blogs, videos, and news websites
ZeroGPT is a trusted GPT-4, ChatGPT, and AI detector tool that employs a comprehensive deep learning methodology, trained on extensive text collections from the internet, educational datasets, and proprietary synthetic AI datasets produced using various language models.
Undetectable AI is a content writing tool that helps users create human-like content while avoiding AI detection.
Copyleaks is an AI-based platform that offers text analysis to detect potential plagiarism, AI-generated content, and copyright infringement in over 100 languages, with a focus on data security and privacy
PimEyes is an online face search engine and reverse image search that uses facial recognition, artificial intelligence, and modern technologies to help users find their photos on the internet, and it is not intended for the surveillance of others or for handling kids' information
Content at Scale is an AI platform that can produce original, research-backed content in minutes, resembling human writing, with a focus on cost-saving and efficiency.
Originality.AI is an innovative organization that offers a comprehensive suite of content quality assurance tools, including a plagiarism and AI content detection tool capable of identifying text generated by various AI language models such as GPT-2, GPT-3, GPT-4, GPT-J, GPT-Neo, and ChatGPT, with plans to add readability scores in the near future