The music video "This Music Video Does Not Exist" is a unique and captivating piece of art created using generative adversarial networks (GANs) and built with OpenAI's Jukebox and NVIDIA's StyleGAN2
🎵 Creative Music Videos: The website generates unique and non-existent music videos using GANs and AI technologies.
💻 AI-Generated Content: The videos are produced by GANs, specifically OpenAI’s Jukebox and NVIDIA’s StyleGAN2, showcasing the potential of AI in creative content generation.
🎨 Diverse Visual Styles: The videos exhibit a wide range of visual styles, demonstrating the versatility of the underlying AI algorithms.
🔌 Technological Innovation: The platform represents an innovative use case for GANs in the entertainment industry, pushing the boundaries of AI creativity.
🌐 Global Access: Users worldwide can experience the novelty of AI-generated music videos through this online platform.