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Notreload is an AI-based web service that helps users automate public web content monitoring for investing and trading purposes, providing fast and relevant information on stock movements and market trends.


  • 💰: Stock moving content detection, monitoring and alerts: notreload is an AI-based web service that helps users automate public web content monitoring for investing and trading purposes. It scours all sources of company news, then filters out the noise to deliver short-form stories consisting of only stock moving content. It tracks anything and alerts you anywhere.
  • 🍣: Japanese restaurant with a Melbourne twist: Future Future is a Japanese restaurant in Richmond, Melbourne that pays homage to its spiritual homeland without the clichés. It is a unique blend of Japanese cuisine filtered through Melbourne eyes.
  • 🌟: Three key takeaways for the future: The APS Group has identified three key takeaways for the future: stop, rethink, and get creative. The group believes that challenges present opportunities to embrace curiosity, experimentation, and innovation in your professional journey. Seek feedback, collaborate with diverse teams, and recognize the changing skills landscape.
  • 🤖 Key takeaways for the future of work: The World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Report 2023 sheds light on the evolving skills landscape. The demand and supply of skills will undergo significant changes globally. To remain relevant, continuously assess and develop your skillset to meet evolving market needs. The report also highlights the importance of technology adoption and the need to embrace change and align with emerging trends.
  • 🧠: Three key takeaways from The Future of Jobs Report 2023: Analytical thinking skills take the crown as the #1 core skill for work. Human thinking on any level is something generative AI can’t do. Human + AI skills are the winning combo. The report also identifies the top 10 skills for the reskilling and upskilling scene: analytical thinking, creative thinking, AI and big data, leadership and social influence, resilience, flexibility and agility, curiosity and lifelong learning, technological literacy, design and user experience, motivation and self-awareness, empathy and active listening.


  • 💰 Stock moving content detection, monitoring and alerts. notreload is an Ai-based web service that helps users automate public web content monitoring for investing and trading purposes. Stay ahead of a rapidly evolving market. Fast in every way that matters. Our AI and Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology uncovers relevant data points within millions of documents and posts — instantly.
  • 🔄 Prevent the reloading of the whole page when letting the user perform an action. Use cookies to record user choices and settings, maintain preferences over time, and recognize users when they return to the website. These cookies help personalize content and may be deployed to the site by advertising partners to build a profile of users, including showing relevant ads on other websites.

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