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GRID 2.0

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GRID is a platform that allows users to build an interface on top of their spreadsheet, without any coding, and build slick, interactive web tools and calculators that can be shared securely or published online.


  • 📊 Spreadsheet-Powered Tools: GRID allows users to build an interface on top of their spreadsheet without any coding, enabling the creation of interactive web tools and calculators that can be securely shared or published online.
  • 💻 Connectivity with Excel and Google Sheets: Users can build in GRID Sheets or connect their files from Excel or Google Sheets, allowing for seamless integration with existing spreadsheet tools.
  • 🌐 Share and Embed Anywhere: GRID enables users to share directly or embed their created tools and calculators anywhere, providing flexibility in how the content is distributed.
  • 🔒 Secure Sharing: The platform allows for secure sharing of created content, ensuring that sensitive information remains protected when shared with others.
  • 📱 Endless Interactivity: GRID offers endless interactivity powered by a single spreadsheet, allowing for dynamic and engaging user experiences.


  • 📊 Build spreadsheet-powered tools: Create interactive web tools and calculators on top of your spreadsheet without any coding, using GRID Sheets or connecting files from Excel or Google Sheets


11 - 50
Annual Rev
1M - 2M
Tech Used
Node.js, Contentful, React, Next.js, Next.js

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A grid question is a type of question used in surveys and quizzes that presents multiple items to respondents one at a time, asking for a multiple- or single-choice answer in response. The answer options remain the same across all items. Grid questions are particularly useful for situations where you have a set of questions all of which have the same possible answers.
To create a grid question in a survey, you can follow these steps:raft your survey and add a new question.hoose the grid question type from the question settings.nter your question, addressing both variables (e.g., how the respondent feels or acts and their relation to a number of items).nput the names of the answer options for each item in the grid.ptionally, you can select an answer limit or choose to allow respondents to select as many answer options as they want.

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