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AI Tools catalog


26 tools found

Text Generators
Samwell is an AI-powered tool for writing essays and research papers, offering features such as audio summaries, plagiarism-free content, in-text citations, and related videos, with different pricing packages based on word count limits

Text Generators
Free Essay Generator

AcademicHelp's Free Essay Generator is an AI-powered tool that helps students research, write, and cite their papers, making the process more efficient and accessible.

Text Generators

Context Clue is an AI text analysis tool that provides enhanced document insights, summaries, and extractions to help users grasp the main points without reading the entire text, catering to researchers, students, journalists, businesses, and data analysts.

Text Generators
Gist AI: Summarize Web,YouTube,PDF w/ ChatGPT

GistAI is a free Chrome extension and AI tool that summarizes website articles, YouTube videos, and PDFs, making it useful for students and professionals to quickly extract key points

Text Generators
MyEssayWriterAI is an AI-powered essay writing platform that offers tools such as an essay writer, essay outliner, paraphrasing guide, and grammar checker to assist students in creating high-quality and well-structured academic content

Text Generators
Buni AI is an all-in-one platform that uses AI technology to generate high-quality content, including text, images, chat, and code, with an intuitive interface and powerful features.

Text Generators
Chapple AI is an AI-powered platform that generates text, images, and code within seconds, using popular AI models like GPT, Dall-E, and Ada. It offers a simple process for users to create content by providing a topic or idea, and the AI-based generator takes care of the rest.

Text Generators

Ezilee is a website that offers competitive prices for generating images and improving their quality.

Text Generators

DeepBeat is an AI-powered rap lyrics generator that uses machine learning techniques to create rap lyrics by combining lines from existing rap songs, aiming to rhyme and make sense together
