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AI Tools catalog


16 tools found

Job Search
Jobs Scout

Jobs-Scout is a platform that helps users find and apply for job opportunities in various industries and locations.

Job Search
Promptyourjob is a website that helps individuals find their dream jobs by matching their resumes with job descriptions in the IT industry

Job Search
JobPreScreen is a platform that helps job seekers evaluate and improve their resume and cover letter using AI technology, offering a smart and efficient way to enhance their job applications and focus on opportunities that matter

Job Search
Hackers Dev is a website that provides AI-powered job recommendations for developers.

Job Search
Practice Interview is a platform for practicing job interviews with ChatGPT, now available at

Job Search
ResumeWriting is a website that uses AI to generate a targeted resume for each job opening, allowing users to customize their resumes to match specific job descriptions.

Job Search
hireBrain AI

hireBrain is a platform where AI intersects with HR and tech experts, offering insights on hiring, recruitment challenges, and fatal hiring mistakes.

Job Search
AI Job Interview Coach is a website offering resources and coaching services to help individuals prepare for and succeed in job interviews.

Job Search

RightJoin is a platform that offers mock interviews with an AI to help professionals in the job market practice and prepare for real interviews, with personalized interview experiences based on their resume and upcoming job postings.
